Originally the second apple was meant to be painted in its entirety, but when your class is held during dinnertime one tends to get hungry. It turned out to be an interesting challenge to paint the apple core.
This is the first attempt I ever had creating a still life using watercolor. I did not have much previous experiance using this media until I took an extra credit class. Turns out I really enjoy it!
I grew up riding either western or bareback. I never took lessons from a riding insructer, therefor, never learning the English style of riding. My mom put me on a horse at about age seven and taught me how to ride.
I made this teaset in highschool, before I knew that ceramics would be the direction I take in college. This set has inspired me to focus on functional sets this coming fall in ceramics IV.
I did this sculpture during my first ceramics class at CCSU before I chose ceramics as my concentration. This sculpture attracted much attention from my peers in the ceramics department. This was when I was officially accepted by those who had been in the ceramics department longer than I.
Every semester my professor invites the ceramics students to his studio at his house to have a pitt fire. We always have a great time enjoying each others company, food and FIRE!